- One Train the Trainers capacity building event (C1) addressing the implementation of the
European Metal AM Designer Technician Qualification and its innovative training materials, and the
rules of the National and European Skills Leagues to be carried out in the scope of DESTINE;
- European Metal AM Designer Technician Qualification pilot sessions to be implemented by DESTINE
partners at national level;
- Eight National Skills Leagues (E1 – E8) with roughly 160 invited participants
(Teachers/Trainers, Trainees who have completed or are attending the European Metal AM Designer
Technician Qualification, VET providers, National Qualification Agencies’ representatives) to
disseminate and promote the European Metal AM Designer Technician Qualification and Skills;
- Two transnational learning activities (C2 and C3) for 36 students and 12 accompanying teachers
within the mobility context of the European Skills Leagues;
- Final European Conference (E9) to promote the project final results and engagement with at least
key stakeholders from 31 EU Countries.
DESTINE - European DESign
TechnIciaNs lEague - aims at
addressing these issues by promoting VET excellence in the AM sector, introducing young people to
multi-skilled technology careers in industry.