DESTINE: Final Conference 19th October 2022
EWF From 19th to 21st of October 2022
Get ready for one full week dedicated to the Additive Manufacturing World!
From the 19th to 21st of October, Lisbon - Portugal
As EWF, DESTINE Partner, celebrate its 30th Anniversary, the week will focus of emphasizing state
of the art & innovative developments in Additive Manufacturing (AM) and its industrialization
around the world.
Live technical presentations from government, academia & Industry, as well as topic related
panelists and invited speakers will take place. Social events, such as Dinner, industrial visits
and City Tour around Lisbon, are also foreseen.
DESTINE final conference will be integrated within the Qualifications & Skills for AM session, and
dedicated to present the latest outcomes and emergent profiles for the AM sector at international
level. This will count on an experts panel to present and dynamize several pitches with particular
focus on: Harmonisation, Flexibility, Quality and the Future of education of additive
Don’t miss the opportunity to get to know DESTINE project results and interact with other relevant
AM players!
Register now!: Here
Join DESTINE on Facebook and on LinkedIn, and follow its activities at DESTINE Project!